I decided I wanted to try something different, so I bought myself Nancie M. Wiseman's book, Crochet with Wire . My older sister quite thoughtfully bought me Annie Modesitt's book, Twist and Loop , wanting to get me a unique Christmas present on the subject that I love. So I spent a while studying both books, trying to get a feel of the general techniques and strategies, such as how to attatch the closures. When I felt I had a grasp of the concept, I headed on down to Michaels, where I got a few things to get me started. The first item I made was a necklace. It turned out a little long for where the neckline of most of my shirts fall, but other than that, I am pleased with it as a first effort. Emboldened by my success, I decided to try my hand at a bracelet. I will say here I attempted to use 24 gauge wire, which to me felt extremely stiff and difficult to work with. I may try that gauge again with more experience under my belt as the finished piece is still flexible enough to...